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Work Experience (Technicians)


Before you can apply to become a Conveyancing and/or Probate Technician and be listed on our Technician Register, you will need to complete 6 months of work experience and finding the work experience may be easier than you think. The scope of employment is actually very broad and even includes working in banks and building societies as well as law firms.


You can get company names and contact details via the CLC Public Register:

Take a look at our recently qualified CLC Lawyer Stories:

Guidance for the Applicant


CLC Legal Technician Applicants must have obtained six months work experience in relevant employment; in a Conveyancing or Probate practice, legal firm, or organisation offering Conveyancing or Probate services to the public.



Applicants must submit a certified statement to evidence that they have been in full or part time, paid or voluntary employment assisting in the provision of Conveyancing or Probate services, supervised by a line manager that is an Authorised Person.

Please download the Statement of Work Experience (SoWE) for Conveyancing or Probate below.



National Government Apprentices, on the Level 4 CLC Legal Technician route, may have their SoWE verified by a Legal Education and Training Supervisor when it is completed as part of the End-Point-Assessment.



PLEASE NOTE:  SoWEs are routinely verified by the CLC in all technician applications.


Guidance for the Authorised Person


A Qualifying Authorised Person is an “Authorised Person” i.e., a Licensed Conveyancer, a Solicitor or a CILEX Lawyer (Conveyancing Practitioner and Fellow), licensed by a regulatory body in England and Wales to offer conveyancing services directly to the public.


  • They should hold a current and valid licence, free of conditions.
  • They may not certify a SoWE when they are the subject of any regulatory or disciplinary investigations, allegations, proceedings or subjected to a disciplinary sanction during the period of supervision. When a CLC disciplinary sanction has been applied and published, the findings will remain on the CLC website for 2 years, or for the duration of the sanction applied, whichever is the longer period. Supervision cannot take place whilst the sanction remains in effect.
  • They are the individual that is providing legal supervision to the technician during the period of their qualifying employment.
  • They should be employed by the Qualifying Employer. This means being either a) as a direct line manager or b) a delegated legal supervisor. This excludes peer working arrangements, such as consultants operating as agents verifying each other’s SoWEs.



Only in exceptional and pre agreed circumstances should the Authorised Person providing supervision be a relative or spouse of the applicant.


Supervision by a relative or spouse must be agreed with the CLC BEFORE the period of work experience commences. The applicant should email setting out the exceptional circumstances. We will confirm in writing whether it is agreed that the circumstances are exceptional and that the proposed supervision arrangements are satisfactory.


You will be asked to submit this written confirmation with your SoWE as part of the technician application.



Statement of Work Experience