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Universal Guidance


The Universal Guidance is for individuals intending to apply for:

a. A CLC Conveyancing Licence

b. A CLC Probate Licence

c. A CLC Conveyancing and Probate Licence

d. To change the scope of a current CLC Licence (add Conveyancing or Probate to an existing licence)

e. To applying for a licence following an expired or suspended licence.

f. Head of Legal Practice (HoLP) Authorisation

g. Head of Finance and Administration (HoFA) Authorisation

h. Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO) Authorisation

i. Registered Manager Authorisation


Applicants should familiarise themselves with the CLC Licensing Framework:

Universal Guidance for Individuals applying for a Licence or Authorisation

Download the Universal Guidance for Applications by clicking here: