
Show pricing on your website

Being upfront about your price, as required by regulators, eliminates the first hurdle of budget concerns. It shows you have nothing to hide, builds trust, and increases conversion (1*). In a competitive market, transparency will help you stand out to clients and search engines.


Be personal

With increasing automation, personal touches are often lost. In a study of 1000 calls at over 100 firms:

In over a third of all calls, neither party knew who they were talking to, as the caller’s name was not taken and the call handler had not introduced themselves (2*).



of customers would recommend the conveyancer they used to a friend – but only 14% did (3*). Ensure you have a process in place to prompt recommendations – you could even offer incentives.


Take your transparency further

The quality of your service is what is important to people. Highlight each part of your services and give rough timescales so the client knows exactly what they’re getting when they choose you.


Rank for local SEO

If you’re local, use that to your advantage. Use your location as a keyword to attract local customers and improve your search rankings. To do this, include your address and local areas on your website, along with helpful tips and advice. Trying to rank for broader terms will be difficult because you’ll be swimming in a bigger pond with much bigger fish.