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Surrendering a CLC Practice Licence

Notifying the CLC

CLC Registrants (Practices) seeking to surrender an ABS or Recognise Body Licence in order to exit CLC regulation must inform the CLC of their intensions at least 8-6 weeks before the date that they are requesting the Licence ceases to have effect.

You should contact the Licensing Team as soon as you believe that the business may want to exit CLC regulation. You can email us on The Licensing Team will deal with the surrender form which will be sent to you on DocuSign. They will also need information about PII run off or Successor Practice arrangements necessary to surrender the Licence.

The Practice owners should also notify the Practice’s Regulatory Supervision Manager by emailing so that an exit plan and timescales can be agreed. The Practice will also be required to fulfil all its regulatory obligations and this will include provided standard monitoring and inspection information.

Important information about annual Practice Licence fees.

The entity and individual licence fees are due at the point of first issue or renewal. Those fees are payable in full regardless of whether the individual or entity is active under CLC regulation for the whole of that year. Entity Licence holders may have applied to take advantage of the monthly payment instalment arrangements that are offered. 

The practice licence fee is due at the point of first issue or renewal each year. Those fees are payable in full regardless of whether the individual or entity is active under CLC regulation for the whole of that year. When a practice notifies the CLC that it intends to exit CLC regulation before the end of the licensing year any balance of fees becomes due.

Please be aware that the entity and ultimately its owners and registered managers remain liable for the total amount of fees for the year even if they are not in practice and should the entity cease to trade or exit CLC regulation (voluntarily surrender its licence) before the next standard licence renewal point, i.e. 01 November. 

Helpful guidance:

Please familiarise yourself with the CLC’s Risk Agenda to ensure your exit plan supports the owners and registered managers of the practice to meet their regulatory obligations (inclusive of all post trading and closure, including formal wind up requirements).