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29 September, 2017
The Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) is urging firms to improve the way they promote the features and quality of their services to help consumers move away from a focus on price alone. This follows recommendations from the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). The CLC hopes firms will respond positively to the recommendations from the CMA and that they [Read more]
15 August, 2017
According to this year’s survey of the profession following the PII renewal round, more firms secured quotations from two or more insurers than last year (62%, up from 51% in 2016). Satisfaction levels with the process remained at broadly the same high levels and there were suggestions for further improvement of the process. We will [Read more]
28 July, 2017
The CLC very much welcomes the government’s consultation on tackling unfair practices in the leasehold market. (Read more) The use of leasehold for new build properties that do not require a leasehold ownership arrangement seems to be another manifestation of what has been described as the ‘broken housing market’. It is not yet clear why housebuilders [Read more]
27 July, 2017
HSBC has announced that its panel management services will in future be provided by LMS. All CLC regulated firms will continue to be able to act for HSBC as now. HSBC has issued a statement with useful information about the transition to the new arrangements. Read HSBC’s statement and FAQs.
13 July, 2017
The CLC is pleased that the SRA has decided to remove a barrier that has prevented lawyers from exercising their right to choose the most appropriate regulator for their business. The CLC’s regulation of specialist conveyancing and probate lawyers delivers high standards of consumer protection and supports innovation in the delivery of legal services. The [Read more]
10 July, 2017
The CLC, the regulator of specialist conveyancing and probate lawyers has today published proposed guidelines for sanctions to be used by its Adjudication Panel when making decisions in disciplinary cases. The new guidance will help the Adjudication Panel, ensuring consistency and a common view of the appropriate level of sanction in different cases. It will [Read more]
29 June, 2017
Council for Licensed Conveyancers to consult in autumn 2017 on detailed proposals for increasing transparency of price and service quality information for consumers Expectation that a market solution will mean that limited regulatory action is needed to implement the CMA’s recommendations The regulator and representative bodies for specialist conveyancing and probate lawyers see opportunities for [Read more]
15 May, 2017
We’ve been licensing Alternative Business Structures (ABS) since October 2011. In that time, we’ve gained a great deal of experience in the different regimes for ABS firms and Recognised Bodies (RB) – often called traditional firms. It has become clear that, contrary to fears expressed by some at the time the Legal Services Act introduced [Read more]
12 May, 2017
Three-quarters of CLC lawyers think that regulation by the CLC provides value for money and supports innovation and growth in their business. Now the CLC has launched a consultation on the objectives and principles that should govern the setting of licence and practice fees. This follows a 20% reduction in entity fee rates in 2016. A key [Read more]
4 May, 2017
Regulating specialist conveyancers and probate lawyers Looking back on 2016 as the Council for Licensed Conveyancers published its Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year, Chief Executive Sheila Kumar said: ‘The LSB’s assessment of our performance as well as the very positive views of those we regulate show that we are on a very firm footing [Read more]
31 January, 2017
On January 30th 2017 HSBC made a change to their Residential Purchase Conveyancing Policy, increasing the maximum loan threshold for CQS and CLC sole practitioner firms to act for both the customer and the bank via dual representation. The threshold has increased from £150,000 to £350,000. This change applies to new applications from that date. There [Read more]
15 December, 2016
The Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) has reacted to the release today of the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) Market Study on the legal sector. The CMA’s key recommendations for front line regulators are: Action to deliver a step change in standards of transparency to help consumers (i) to understand the price and service they will [Read more]
25 November, 2016
The CLC has today published two documents that will underpin its work in 2017 and beyond: the Annual Regulatory Return (ARR) Analysis 2016 and its business plan for 2017. The analysis of the Annual Regulatory Return (ARR) looks at a great deal of information provided by firms regulated by the CLC about the systems and [Read more]
5 October, 2016
The Council for Licensed Conveyancers, the specialist property law regulator, has today announced the appointment of four new members to its governing Council, which has been chaired by the Rt Hon Dame Janet Paraskeva since April 2015. The Council has a lay, non-lawyer majority and includes professional lawyer members currently working in conveyancing or probate. [Read more]
12 September, 2016
The Council for Licensed Conveyancers reacted to the publication today by the Legal Services Board of A vision for legislative reform of the regulatory framework for legal services in England and Wales. Chair of the CLC, the Rt Hon Dame Janet Paraskeva said: ‘The CLC is very encouraged that the Legal Services Board (LSB) has recognised the [Read more]
24 August, 2016
There has been some confusion about the operation of the Help to Buy ISA scheme. The Treasury’s guidance for conveyancers sets out that the draw-down of the Help to Buy ISA bonus should take place immediately prior to completion. The savings themselves can be withdrawn by the homebuyer earlier to use as part of the [Read more]
28 July, 2016
The CLC, the specialist property law regulator, has today confirmed that it will reduce regulatory fees rates for firms by 20% with effect from 1st November 2016. The announcement follows a consultation on the proposed reduced rates and a formal decision by the governing Council. The proposals will now be passed to the Legal Services Board [Read more]
26 July, 2016
Aspiring lawyers in Wales will soon have a new way to begin their careers as apprenticeships in conveyancing and probate are due to go live in early 2017. Three qualifications will be on offer. The first two lead to recognition by the CLC as a Conveyancing Technician or a Probate Technician. It’s a great start [Read more]
21 July, 2016
Specialist property law regulator seeks new Council members We are looking for new members for our governing Council to fill roles that will soon become vacant as members come to the end of their maximum terms. The majority of the new roles will begin in April 2017. There are vacancies for two lay (non-lawyer) members and [Read more]
14 July, 2016
The Council for Licensed Conveyancers today urged the SRA to dismantle a major barrier to firms exercising freedoms created by the Legal Services Act 2007. Responding to the SRA’s consultation, ‘Removing barriers to switching regulators’ the CLC welcomed proposals for waivers of the automatic requirements for run-off cover to be purchased when a firm transfers [Read more]
6 July, 2016
The Chair of the CLC, Dame Janet Paraskeva and Chief Executive, Sheila Kumar, have had articles published in the legal press that look at regulation, market entry and competition. The articles look at the regulatory burdens placed on lawyers by a range of organisations that are not subject to the rigour of oversight by the [Read more]
28 June, 2016
The Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) has today launched a consultation on proposals that will see delivery of education and training move away from the regulator. The Council will continue to set the standards to be achieved to apply for a licence to practise as a Licensed Conveyancer or Licensed Probate Practitioner. The CLC has [Read more]
15 June, 2016
CLC-regulated firms can now purchase PII cover from insurers that have signed up to the CLC’s Participating Insurers Agreement. That agreement sets out the minimum terms and conditions of PII cover. These have been enhanced to include run-off cover of £2m at no cost at the point of closure of a practice. These changes take [Read more]
6 June, 2016
The Council for Licensed Conveyancers is publishing today, Monday 6th June, the findings of its Stakeholder Perceptions Report 2016. The report tracks changes in views about the specialist property law regulator since the last survey in 2014. The survey was carried out by independent research firm IFF. CLC lawyers reported that the CLC’s performance has improved [Read more]
24 May, 2016
CLC Reaction to LSB’s Report on the Cost of Regulation Reacting to the publication today of the Cost of Regulation report by the Legal Services Board, Sheila Kumar, Chief Executive of the Council for Licensed Conveyancers said: ‘I am very pleased that the LSB’s work on costs of regulation has found that the profession’s views of both the fees and [Read more]