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23 January, 2019
The Council for Licensed Conveyancers has today (23 January) announced a consultation on a new Customer Charter. The Charter is designed to replace a pre-existing Client Charter and has been developed in light of the recent transparency requirements introduced in December 2018. The document aims to summarise for consumers what they can expect [Read more]
6 December, 2018
Today (6 December) heralds the arrival of new rules to help homebuyers make a more informed choice when buying a property. All property lawyers will now publish price, service and quality information on their websites (or in alternative formats if requested), as part of a cross-industry push to empower consumers and foster innovation and [Read more]
5 December, 2018
As new requirements for property and probate lawyers to publish certain price, service and quality information on their websites (or in alternative formats if requested), come into effect December 6, the Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) has outlined some key do’s and don’ts for practices getting ready for the new rules. DO You must [Read more]
3 December, 2018
37 firms regulated by the Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) reported they had repelled attempted frauds in the past year while the number and variety of attacks on conveyancers increased, according to new research. At the same time, nearly all regulated firms provided all their staff with training on anti-fraud measures in the past year, [Read more]
23 November, 2018
From 6 December 2018, property lawyers will have to publish certain price, service and quality information on their websites (or in alternative formats if requested), as part of a cross-industry push to empower consumers and foster innovation and competition across the legal services market. The Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) has worked with the SRA [Read more]
31 October, 2018
Please be aware that the website https://www.regismichaelllp.co.uk/ is not regulated by the CLC or any of the other conveyancing lawyer regulators
19 October, 2018
LMS was made aware by a number of law firms that they had received suspicious emails that looked very similar to a genuine LMS Charge Registration email. LMS has subsequently investigated the source of the email which originated from a temporary mailbox outside of LMS, the domain name is exchanges329e7engleharts.live LMS has reported the matter [Read more]
11 October, 2018
We have been notified by a firm of a new cyber-attack we wish to alert firms to. Through the breach hackers were receiving copies of all incoming emails to the firm so enabling them send spoof emails to clients posing as the law firm. Firms are urged to ensure they follow good practice and will [Read more]
9 October, 2018
Solicitors’ firms are seeing the benefit of new rules that make it easier for them to switch to regulation by the Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC). Clutton Cox in Bristol and Nottingham’s Fidler & Pepper Lawyers – have recently moved over from the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), while another three SRA-regulated firms have moved their [Read more]
3 October, 2018
Laurselle Property Lawyers Intervention into Laurselle Property Lawyers – 3 October 2018 In light of breaches of the Code of Conduct and to protect the interests of the firm’s clients, the Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) has intervened into Laurselle Property Lawyers Trading from 37 Upper Orwell Street Ipswich Suffolk IP4 1HN Information for current [Read more]
27 September, 2018
The Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) has today published guidance on how those it regulates can comply with the new requirements on giving consumers up-front information to help choose a lawyer. These requirements have been made following consultation and in response to the CMA’s recommendations to help consumers make a more informed choice of lawyer. [Read more]
31 August, 2018
The Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) has been given approval by the Legal Services Board (LSB) to amend its rules and require licensed firms to improve information they provide to better support consumer choice. The changes aim to empower consumers to make better informed decisions about their choice of legal service provider. The new requirements [Read more]
29 August, 2018
On 27 & 28 March, 2019, London’s ExCeL will play host to Legalex, the industry-leading show quickly becoming Europe’s most comprehensive and all-encompassing trade show package for legal professionals. Legalex is the event for forward-thinking and ambitious legal firms looking to improve, expand, and modernise their practice, focussing on Artificial Intelligence, GDPR, Cyber Security and [Read more]
30 July, 2018
The Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) has submitted an application to the Legal Services Board (LSB) to amend its rules and require licensed firms to improve information to support consumer choice. The changes aim to empower consumers to make better informed decisions about their choice of legal service provider. The new requirements also aim to [Read more]
25 July, 2018
We will be making changes to the relevant sections of the CLC Handbook to ensure all of CLC-regulated Practices will be compliant with the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) when it comes fully into force on 1 October 2018. The CLC is a Designated Professional Body regulating CLC Practices as Exempt Professional Firms under Part XX [Read more]
20 June, 2018
first direct – changes to the way in which mortgage instructions will be issued to conveyancers We’d like to inform you of a change to how you are instructed by first direct. Currently, all first direct instructions to conveyancers are sent in a paper format. From 02/07/18 first direct will be issuing these instruction by [Read more]
31 May, 2018
Reacting to today’s publication by the Legal Services Board (LSB) of its investigation into the Law Society’s (TLS) oversight and monitoring arrangements for the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) Dame Janet Paraskeva, Chair of the Council for Licensed Conveyancers said: ‘Given that its interim chair says that “[The Law Society’s] actions have impaired the effectiveness of [Read more]
30 May, 2018
The CLC is currently consulting on the Implementation of the CMA transparency recommendations set out in its Legal Services Market Study. The consultation paper can be viewed here and responses need to be receieved by 5pm on Friday 29 June 2018
18 May, 2018
The CLC is currently consulting on licence and practice fee arrangements. The consultation paper can be viewed online and responses need to be receieved by 5pm on Friday 22 June 2018
16 May, 2018
In response to today’s ruling re Dreamvar, Simon Blandy, director of regulatory standards, Council for Licensed Conveyancers, says: “This is an extremely important ruling that raises a lot of questions without answering them all. As a regulator we will have to scrutinise it closely before deciding what action, if any, we need to take. But [Read more]
16 May, 2018
Joanne Hewitt Conveyancing Services Intervention into Joanne Hewitt Conveyancing Services – 15 May 2018 In light of breaches of the Code of Conduct and to protect the interests of the firm’s clients, the Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) has intervened into Joanne Hewitt Conveyancing Services Trading from Metropolitan House Longrigg Road, Swalwell Gateshead NE16 3AS [Read more]
3 May, 2018
Following a productive meeting with Minister for Housing, Heather Wheeler MP, Dame Janet Paraskeva, Chair of the Council for Licensed Conveyancers, said: “It was very positive to confirm how closely the government’s agenda for improving the home buying and selling process aligns with the CLC’s own objectives. It is clear that the Minister and her department are [Read more]
6 March, 2018
HM Treasury has approved the Legal Sector Anti-Money Laundering Guidance prepared by the AML Legal Supervisors. The guidance takes into account of the changes introduced by Money Laundering Regulations 2017 which came into force on 26 June 2017. The AML Legal Supervisors comprise the Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC), along with other legal sector regulators and representative bodies. Find [Read more]
24 January, 2018
The Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) has set out its ambition to be the regulator of choice for all property lawyers, meaning those it regulates take an ever-larger share of the conveyancing market. The CLC has previously explored widening the scope of its regulation to encompass activities other than conveyancing and probate, but – publishing [Read more]
23 October, 2017
On 8th April 20128, Communities Secretary Sajid Javid responded to submissions to his call for evidence on making the home buying process cheaper, faster and less stressful for those involved. The Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) is determined to support improvements to the home buying process. It is only through a number of changes – some [Read more]