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CLC statement in Legal Ombudsman report “Complaints in Focus: Stamp Duty”

8 May, 2014

The Legal Ombudsman’s report published today 8th May 2014 Complaints in Focus: Stamp Duty throws further light onto an issue that the Council for Licensed Conveyancers has been raising for some months with HMRC, the Land Registry and our regulatory partners. Our expertise as specialist regulators of conveyancing and property law has given us insight [Read more]

CLC urges government not to give up on legal service modernisation

7 May, 2014

The Council for Licensed Conveyancers was disappointed with the Ministry of Justice’s announcement that it plans to do nothing more in relation to the review of regulation of legal services on 1 May 2014. We are surprised that a review under the Red Tape Challenge deregulatory agenda is not able to identify any measures that [Read more]

CLC consults on greater openness and transparency in regulation

25 April, 2014

Presumption in favour of publication of regulatory information Greater openness in the interests of the regulated community as well as consumers Licensed Conveyancers and stakeholders invited to comment on plans The Council for Licensed Conveyancers has today launched a six week consultation asking for views on its proposals for publishing data about the disciplinary history [Read more]

View the CLC webinar on the conveyancing apprenticeship

24 April, 2014

The CLC webinar of 24th April 2014 is now available to view on demand. It looks in detail at the development of a new apprenticeship in conveyancing and updates on other current topics. You can view the webinar here.

Conveyancers asked to comment on apprenticeships

23 April, 2014

The Conveyancing Apprenticeship Trailblazer Consortium is running a rapid consultation on its emerging plans for a new apprenticeship in conveyancing. Work is progressing well against the very tight timetable as part of the programme being led by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills. The Consortium is anxious to get the views of a wide [Read more]

Searches and railway tunnels

7 April, 2014

Important reminder relating to central London, central Newcastle and central Glasgow. Those commissioning searches for sites in inner London (including Docklands) should ensure that all searches consider Network Rail and Transport for London tunnels. Searches in central Newcastle should consider the Tyne and Wear Metro (Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive) and in central Glasgow [Read more]

Complaints handling

4 April, 2014

We’ve amended the example complaints procedure in the Complaints Guidance section of the Handbook  to reflect the timeframes applied by LeO and already referenced earlier/elsewhere in the Guidance. You should ensure that your own procedures take account of those timeframes. You might be interested to read the Legal Ombudsman’s Guide to Good Complaints Handling which identifies some [Read more]

CLC facilitates creation of a new apprenticeship in conveyancing

4 March, 2014

BIS-sponsored trailblazer consortium to develop a new occupational standard and apprenticeship in conveyancing Council for Licensed Conveyancers facilitating work by employer group as part of its commitment to innovation and growth in the sector New apprenticeship to support broad access to conveyancing profession, increase flexibility in training and set new, stand-alone professional standard The Council [Read more]

CLC seeks three new council members

24 January, 2014

The Council for Licensed Conveyancers is looking for new members of our governing Council who can help us move the organisation forward. Candidates will have strong records in one or more of the following: finance and corporate services academic or policy work in the legal services or property markets consumer advocacy

CLC Christmas closure

18 December, 2013

The CLC offices will be closed over the festive period from Tuesday 24th December and will re-open on Thursday 2nd January 2013. If you need to contact us urgently, please leave a message by calling 01245 349599. Season’s Greetings from all at the Council for Licensed Conveyancers!

Reeve Fisher & sands (Partnership)

11 December, 2013

The CLC intervened into the practice of Reeve Fisher & Sands on 11 December 2013. We are working with the practices listed below to seek to minimise the disruption to former clients of Reeves Fisher & Sands. Clients of CLC-regulated firms are protected in a number of ways. First through rigorous, specialist regulation of specialised [Read more]

Call for expression of interest in apprenticeship trailblazers scheme

28 November, 2013

The Council for Licensed Conveyancers is reviewing paths to qualification as a Licensed Conveyancer to make sure they fit the needs of legal businesses. The Conveyancing Association is supporting this initiative. The CLC is looking for representatives from firms that train Licensed Conveyancers or employ students on the route to qualification as a Licensed Conveyancer. [Read more]

Hempsted property and Probate Lawyers

20 November, 2013

The Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) intervened in Hempsted Property & Probate Lawyers of 12 Queensberry Road, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 9AU on Wednesday 20th November 2013. We would like to assure existing clients of Hempsted Property & Probate Lawyers that the CLC is working to ensure that outstanding conveyancing transactions can proceed with minimal inconvenience. [Read more]

The CLC recruiting legal Practice Inspectors

15 October, 2013

Could you help specialist lawyers meet the highest standards and still deal effectively and robustly with those who fail? The Council for Licensed Conveyancers is recruiting Legal Practice Inspectors to add to a well established and highly regarded team. Find out more about the roles and how to apply.

Blueprint Property Lawyers

4 October, 2013

The Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) intervened in Blueprint Property Lawyers of 3rd Floor 205 Wardour Street London W1F 8ZJ on Friday 4 October We would like to assure existing clients of Blueprint Property Lawyers that the CLC is working to ensure that outstanding conveyancing transactions can proceed with minimal inconvenience. If you have any [Read more]

2013/14 Business Plan

2 October, 2013

Read the CLC’s 2013/2014 Business plan  The Council for Licensed Conveyancers has published its high level business plan to 2014 Chair of the CLC Anna Bradley said: “The specialisation of the CLC is a real strength. It is the major reason why there is no need for a quality scheme for Licensed Conveyancers. The Council [Read more]

Diversity profile of the regulated community

27 September, 2013

The Council for Licensed Conveyancers has today published the diversity profile of the community it regulates. Individual entities will shortly receive reports on their own staff groups for publication in line with the requirements of the Legal Services Board. Read more.

2013/14 License and Practice fees

3 September, 2013

The CLC is proposing to make no changes to licence and practice fees for the year beginning November 2013. The methods for calculation of fees and the levels of fee will remain the same as those for the current year. This is subject to approval by the Legal Services Board. Chief Executive of the CLC, [Read more]

CLC submission to thereview of regulation

3 September, 2013

CLC sets out plans for immediate and pragmatic improvements to regulation * on supporting consumer-led innovation in the legal sector * Says another round of fundamental change now would blight the sector The Council for Licensed Conveyancers has today submitted its response to the review of regulation of legal services being run by the Ministry [Read more]

Thematic reviews of complaints handling and managing conflicts of interest

19 August, 2013

The Council for Licensed Conveyancers has today announced two thematic reviews to assess standards of practice in the management of conflicts of interest, for example when the regulated community is acting for both the buyer and the seller in a property transaction and in complaints handling. The work will begin immediately and includes targeted surveys [Read more]

Internal Audit Tender

19 August, 2013

The Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) is seeking to appoint an internal auditor to supply services with effect from 1 January 2014. The successful organisation will be required to advise and provide assurance to the Audit Committee on the CLC’s internal control processes. Auditors are invited to make submissions to the CLC by no later [Read more]

Legal Service Board approves CLC’s approach on referral fees

8 August, 2013

A CLC Review found no justification for a ban on referral fees in conveyancing and our proposals for changes to the Disclosure of Profits and Advantages Code to ensure greater transparency have been welcomed by the Legal Services Board. The revised Disclosure of Profits and Advantages Code is now available. Anna Bradley, Chair of the [Read more]

Michael Prout & Co

15 July, 2013

The Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) intervened in Michael Prout & Co, of 7 St. Nicholas Street, Bristol on Monday 15 July 2013. We would like to assure existing clients of Michael Prout & Co that the CLC is working to ensure that outstanding conveyancing transactions can proceed with minimal inconvenience. If you have any [Read more]

Doubleday Property Lawyers Limited – Closure

11 July, 2013

Doubleday Property Lawyers of 20 High Street, Halstead, Essex, closed on 11 July and all current and past files have been passed to Ross Coates Solicitors along with all client monies retained by Doubleday at the time of closure. Please note that Doubleday Property Lawyers only undertook conveyancing work. Current or past clients of Doubleday [Read more]

Risk management tools

7 June, 2013

Risk Management Tools There is now a broad range of different products on the market offering solutions to different types of risk. In the CLC’s view, the most effective way a practice can minimise risk in any area is to ensure that it has appropriate and proportionate processes and procedures to supervise and quality assure [Read more]