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Adjudication Panel

Report of the Adjudication Panel Chair, 2023

Report from Victoria Goodfellow on the work of the Adjudication Panel for the period August 2022-July 2023

Publication of Disciplinary Findings

The Findings of the Adjudication Panel will be published here in line with the Council's Publication Policy.


Adjudication Panel Hearings

Adjudication Panel Guidance on Arrangements for Hearings

Forthcoming Adjudication Panel Meetings

Publication of information on Adjudication Panel hearings - FAQ's

Protocol for observing a CLC Adjudication Panel Hearing

Complete this form to observe an Adjudication Panel Hearing Form


Adjudication Panel Sanctions Guidance March 2018

Adjudication Panel Sanctions Guidance


Adjudication Panel Rules, as amended in 2015

View the Adjudication Panel Procedure Rules 2015 that set out the procedure of AP hearings and hearing management.

View the Adjudication Panel Rules 2015  that set out rules of the Panel’s composition, payment, delegation, tenure of office etc.