Reporting on 2016: Regulating specialist conveyancers and probate lawyers

4 May, 2017

Regulating specialist conveyancers and probate lawyers

Looking back on 2016 as the Council for Licensed Conveyancers published its Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year, Chief Executive Sheila Kumar said: ‘The LSB’s assessment of our performance as well as the very positive views of those we regulate show that we are on a very firm footing as we begin to develop a new strategy for the coming years. We are looking to build on our considerable strengths, responding to changing risks in the market place to continue to ensure high standards of consumer protection while we support innovation in the delivery of conveyancing and probate services. We are committed to keeping the regulatory burden to the lowest possible level, In 2016 we were able to cut entity fee rates by 20%.’

The CLC’s latest Annual Report and Financial Statements look at the calendar year 2016. The highlights of the year include:

  • Three-quarters of CLC lawyers said that being regulated by the CLKC is either ‘extremely’ or ‘mostly‘ beneficial to their business.
  • 97% of CLC lawyers said their experience of the annual licence renewal round was either ‘good’ or ‘very good’.
  • Entity fee rates were cut by 20%.
  • The CLC’s minimum standards for professional indemnity insurance were amended to include run-off cover free at the point of closure of a firm.
  • The Legal Services Board gave the CLC the most positive assessment of all of the front line regulators.

Read the CLC’s Annual Report 2016

Read the CLC’s Annual Financial Statements 2016