Indicative Sanctions Guidance

Indicative Sanctions Guidance

We consulted on proposed Indicative Sanctions Guidance for the CLC’s Adjudication Panel.

The Indicative Sanctions Guidance will:

  • Guide the Panel’s consideration of the sanction to impose following a determination that there has been a breach of the CLC’s Code of Conduct.
  • Provide an authoritative statement of the CLC’s approach to sanction issues for the regulated community, the public and other stakeholders.
  • Allow the respondent appearing before the Panel to know what powers and sanctions are available, and in the event that sanctions are to be imposed, the matters that the Panel may take into account when coming to a decision.
  • Promote fairness, consistency and transparency in the Panel’s decision making when considering an appropriate sanction.

Read the full consultation

This consultation closed on Friday, 29th September 2017.