Being regulated by the CLC

What we do

We regulate licence holders by ensuring that they qualify through better practice skills and knowledge.

We aim to ensure that they keep those skills up to date and meet regulatory standards throughout their professional lives.

This means that the public can be confident in the professionalism and competence of the licence holders and licensed practices, and be assured that they are buying well regulated services.

What is expected

All lawyers – be they an individual CLC licensed conveyancer, CLC Litigator or Advocate, or a company – regulated by the CLC are required to deliver these Outcomes by acting in a principled manner:

  • To act with independence and integrity;
  • To maintain high standards of work;
  • To act in the best interests of Clients;
  • To deal with regulators and ombudsmen in an open and co-operative way; and
  • To promote equality of access and service.