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Planned Career Break

CLC Lawyers

It is not necessary for CLC lawyers to notify us of a planned career break when the period starts and ends within the current licence year, i.e. 01 November to 31 October. CLC lawyers should notify us when contacted at the point of licence renewal whether they intend not to renew their licence for the forthcoming year.

Please Note: All formalities, such as ongoing competence requirements to renew the licence will apply.


Key Personnel

Practices are obligated under the Notification Code to notify the CLC in advance of any changes (including planned career breaks) to their key personnel appointees such as, HoLP, HoFA or MLRO, in order for the CLC to agree to the proposed replacement appointee and period of cover. Practices must notify the CLC when the principal appointee returns to work.

Please notify us by emailing


For further information regarding how to reapply following an expired licence please click here:

Please click here for the Notification Code: