May 2018 Newsletter

Compliance Roadshows – book now

Join us in June at one of our June CPD sessions at cities around the country in June. These are open to all Licensed Conveyancers and Conveyancing Technicians as well as anyone else working in CLC-regulated firms and indeed anyone else in the conveyancing industry.

We will be looking at how you can respond to new requirements around:

  • Transparency of price and service information
  • General Data Protection Regulation
  • Money Laundering Regulations

It will also be a chance to put your questions to the CLC team.

Click on the links below to book your free place.

12th June

Leicester – 1500-1700

13th June

Bristol – 1500-1700

14th June

Manchester – 1500-1700

20th June

London – 1500-1700


Ten steps to becoming GDPR compliant

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is principles-based and takes a risk-based approach to data protection. This allows practices to decide for themselves what steps are appropriate and proportionate to comply with GDPR, meaning that the approach large practices need to take to get ready for GDPR is likely to be different to the approach smaller firms and sole-practitioners need to take.

Find out more


Money Laundering: Flag It Up!

The CLC has also joined the Home Office Flag It Up! Campaign to encourage the reporting of suspicious activity that may point to money laundering.

Download a poster to raise colleagues’ awareness of money laundering.


MLR 2017 checks

The Money Laundering Regulations 2017 checks are now underway and we have had a good response from individuals sending through their certified proofs. If you have received an email telling you that you need to take part in this exercise and have not yet responded, please:

  1. Contact us at telling us whether you intend to send your proofs by post or email
  2. send your certified proofs and personal information form by your chosen means.

Remember, all proofs and your personal information form should be received at the CLC’s office no later than 18th May 2018.

Keeping the CLC Updated

Now is a good time to familiarise yourself with the CLC Notifications Code to make sure you keep the CLC updated with any notifiable changes.


CLC Annual Report 2017

Here are some of our major achievements in the year:

  • Clients protected through intervention into three entities regulated by the CLC.
  • Grants from the Compensation Fund made to 22 applicants.
  • Our mandatory, online secure badge, unique in the legal sector, helps prevent fraud and provides consumers with reassurance that a website they are using is genuinely that of a CLC-regulated firm.
  • A marked reduction in the time that practices spend on our watchlist as non-compliance is being addressed more rapidly than ever.
  • Awareness raising of the risks of fraud and cybercrime and advice on mitigation for lawyers and their clients.
  • Guidance on the Money Laundering Regulations 2017 produced jointly with others in the legal sector.
  • Growth of education provision to achieve CLC qualifications and increase in student numbers.
  • The Annual Regulatory Return again secured 100% participation within the deadline, further enriching our insight into the market.
  • Very wide formal and informal consultation with the regulated community and other stakeholders on improving consumer information in response to recommendations for the whole legal sector from the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).
  • Taking a leadership role in the sector on the response to the CMA recommendations.

You can also read our Financial Statements for the year.


CLC Conference 2019 – Save the Date

Eight out of ten of who attended our conference in January said they would definitely take part again next year.

Next year’s conference is on Wednesday, 23rd January, 2019 at Etc. Venues, County Hall, London.