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Mortgage fraud is when mortgages are obtained fraudulently.
There are two broad categories of mortgage fraud:


Mortgage fraud for property
Usually committed by an individual, in order to obtain a mortgage on a property on more favourable terms than they would otherwise have been able to attain, through, for example, the exaggeration of their income on the mortgage application.


Mortgage fraud for profit
This is usually perpetrated by a ‘fraud ring’ involving more than one individual, with the intent of defrauding the lender of large sums of money. Though this is less common than frauds for property, it has a much greater impact as often there are links to other serious organised crime. It is likely to result in much greater losses for the lender and is inherently more difficult to detect.


The CLC’s Acting for Lenders and Prevention and Detection of Mortgage Fraud Code sets out the obligations on Practices. Beyond this be aware that criminal methodologies change constantly, so you should remain alert to transactions that are unusual for a normal residential or commercial conveyance.