Service information example text

The text below is provided as examples of how you may wish to display some of the service information identified in the Informed Choice Guidance


What our price includes

Our price includes all of the work needed to buy your home. This includes registration at the Land Registry and if applicable, dealing with payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax if the property is in England, or Land Transaction Tax if the property you wish to buy is in Wales.

Obviously all cases are different and we will try our best to inform you as soon as we become aware of any issue that might have an impact on the quoted fee.


How long the purchase will take

The time taken to complete the purchase of your new home depends on several things. The current national average is 2-3 months if there is no chain.

The number of houses in a chain will affect the time is takes. If you are buying a new build home, with a mortgage, it will typically take (x) weeks/months.


Referral arrangements

In some cases we may pay a referral fee to a [mortgage broker / estate agent]. The average fee is £[x].  We will tell you if we are paying a referral fee on your case.