Council Agenda and Papers 1st February 2024


1. Welcome, Introductions, Apologies for Absence Chair

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Annual Evaluation of Communications

4. Minutes and Matters Arising

(a) Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 26 October 2023

(b) Ratification of decision taken outside of Council meeting

(c) Actions arising from previous meetings

5. Chief Executive’s Report

6. CLC Budget 2024

7. CLC Business Plan

(a) Business Plan Q4 2023

(b) Business Plan 2024

8. Principal Risk Register

9. Review of Procurement Policy

10. Watchlist and Interventions 

11. Ongoing Competency

12. Revised Code of Conduct –Following 2023 Public Consultation

13. Annual Review of Publication Policy

14. Published Indicators and Metrics

15. Committee Chairs Reports

(a) Audit and Risk Committee

(b) Remuneration Committee

(c) Appointments Committee

16. Any Other Business

17. Dates of Council Meetings

  • Thursday 29 February 2024 Council Workshop
  • Wednesday 27 March 2024 (Annual Financial Statements)
  • Thursday 16 May 2024
  • Thursday 25 July 2024
  • Thursday 7 November 2024

18. Q4 Performance Outturn

19. Property and Law News Round Up Information

20. Council Workplan