Encourage word of mouth introductions

In a poll by Kingston Business School (KBS), people were asked about the primary factor behind purchases and recommendation was cited twice as often as advertising. KBS research has also found that two of the factors driving online reviews are prompting and perceived usefulness. Simply asking people to recommend and review your services can make a difference.

Improve communication throughout the process

In a recent survey by InfoTrack, 44% of buyers said they did not receive enough communication during the process. Regular digital communication and the ability to track progress were priorities for consumers, but only 15% of conveyancers used online portals and only 11% used IM and text messages (up from 4% and 6% over the last 3 years). This represents a major opportunity to enhance the customer experience and increase new business through reviews and word of mouth.

Request reviews on key platforms

In a survey of 1000 consumers, 85% said they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations and 68% left a review when asked. Consumers are becoming more review-savvy, preferring businesses that receive high volumes of high-scoring reviews on a regular basis. They read an average of 7 reviews before trusting a business.

Increase online lead conversion

Highlight all the above – great communication, reviews and recommendations – on your website. Research shows that most people read very little of the text on a web page, so make sure the key points stand out. Displaying pricing also increases conversion.