CLC Response to LSCP Report on regulatory sandboxes

28 July, 2020

Responding to the publication of the Legal Services Consumer Panel’s Report Developing regulatory sandboxes for legal services innovation, Stephen Ward, Director of Strategy and External Affairs at the Council for Licensed Conveyancers said:

“The LSCP report makes a useful contribution to the thinking about the use of sandboxes. While the CLC does not provide a formal sandbox we have and will continue to work on a case by case basis with innovative providers to facilitate them being able to test products with practices we regulate.

“We do this in a way that prioritises the protection of consumers while providing real-life experience of innovative products. This enables us to draw lessons so we can ensure any potential changes to our regulatory framework are informed by lessons from these tests.

“As a specialist regulator, we will continue to provide access for those businesses who are interested in the areas we regulate and encourage innovators and disrupters who believe they have products that can improve the process for consumers and businesses to get in contact with us.”