CLC ConveyancingTech Guide

A summary of key areas where tech can enhance customer experience, security, marketing and transparency.

Customer experience tech

Recent research found huge demand among movers for their conveyancers to use technology to improve communication and provide real-time information on progress. (*Source 1)
Greater speed and efficiency boosts capacity and reduces costs while enhancing the customer experience.

Case management

Case management software can help to improve the transparency of transactions, enabling clients to access key documents and information and be reassured on progress. This saves time for both the client and conveyancer and can allow everyone involved to keep track of the transaction.


Communication apps can increase efficiency by streamlining communications between all parties and reducing time consuming tasks such as phone calls to chase information. Automatic real-time updates reduce work for conveyancers and stress for clients.


Automation can reduce costs and increase the speed of transactions by taking over many manual processes such as data entry, processing paperwork, the digitisation and creation of documents, and regular client updates.


Conveyancing fraud and and scams have increased dramatically in recent years, and are the cause of complaints to the Legal Ombudsman. Solutions are emerging to help mitigate these risks.
(*Source 2)


Threats to security can arise from data breaches through open email systems, resulting in confidential information being stolen. To reduce this risk a third party security service can be used to screen emails for ‘phishing’ attempts (when a user is prompted to give away passwords or payment details to fake websites and email addresses).


Digital vaults can hold payments in escrow, protecting all parties involved through verification and only releasing funds when all sides agree. It can remove the need for conveyancers to hold client funds. (*Source 3)

ID checking

As fraud becomes increasingly sophisticated, digital identity checks can play a vital role in protecting both conveyancing firms and clients from identity theft and related scams.


Successfully implementing marketing technology and having a strong online presence can help firms remain competitive, amid rising client expectations.
(*Source 4)


A survey found that the majority of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Encouraging reviews can help reach new clients and increase conversion.
(*Source 5)

Quote Generators

Research shows that “having an instant conveyancing estimate tool on a website generates a much larger volume of enquiries than having a website without a tool.” Quote generators also reduce costs and errors. (*Source 6)