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Apprenticeships – Wales

Conveyancing and Probate Apprenticeships


Apprenticeships enable trainee lawyers to earn while they learn and employees to access funded opportunities to train and retain an outstanding specialist workforce.

Apprenticeship programs are available in England and Wales and provide routes to qualify as a CLC Technician or Lawyer (conveyancing and probate). The Governments in England and Wales operate distinct funding arrangements and program requirements, and training providers that operate in the two different schemes are best placed to answer candidates’ and employers’ funding and technical questions.


Apprenticeship Frameworks - Wales


Apprenticeships in Wales are fully funded by the Welsh Government which means employers and candidates don't have to pay for the training programme.

Apprenticeship Framework in Conveyancing  - Framework No: FR04093

Apprenticeship Framework in Probate - Framework No: FR04001

Personal Learning Account Programme  is a fully funded adult program (not an apprenticeship) offered for candidates over 19 years of age, in work, and living in Wales. Cardiff and Vale College offer the scheme.  Find out more at CAVC.

The PLA Programme provides support across Wales for eligible individuals to gain higher level skills which will enable them to access a wider range of job opportunities and/or gain employment at a higher level within priority sectors. Personal Learning Accounts provide flexible and fully funded learning, either online or face to face or a combination of both.


Official Bodies


Skills for Justice is the Sector Skills Council for the UK’s justice, community safety, fire and rescue, central and local government sectors, and works with the sector in Wales on apprenticeship development.

Apprenticeships Wales –Business Wales Skills Gateway

The Welsh apprenticeships are regulated by Qualifications Wales. More about Qualifications Wales’ role.

More Info: 

Welsh Apprenticeships  -



For the Training Provider please click here:

Candidate Resources


The Society of Licensed Conveyancers is the professional body for licensed conveyancers and licensed probate practitioners.

Find out more about the benefits of membership here.