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Advising of Adverse Information (CLC Lawyer)

Notifying us of Adverse Information or Events


CLC lawyers are routinely asked to declare adverse information or events in the annual licence declaration as part of the formalities to renew their licence. However, CLC lawyers should notify us of any adverse information or events as they occur. 




You should tell us if you become the subject of:


Such as:

  • Any Civil Proceedings
  • Any Court Judgement
  • A Caution or Warning in relation to a Criminal Offence
  • Conviction or Sanction involving Dishonesty or Deception
  • Conviction for an Offence in a Court in the UK or elsewhere



Such as:

  • Insolvency Proceedings
  • Bankruptcy
  • Debt Relief Order
  • Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA)
  • County Court Judgment (CCJ)  
  • Fines and Costs Liabilities arising from Disciplinary or Enforcement Proceedings



Such as:

  • Disciplinary Investigation
  • Suspension from Employment
  • Resigning from Employment as a result of becoming aware of a pending Suspension or Dismissal
  • Dismissal from Employment
  • Entering into a Legal Dispute with an Employer in relation to a Competency Issue, Suspension or Dismissal



Should you become the subject of:

  • Disciplinary Investigation, Proceedings or Order, or made aware of circumstances which might give rise to Disciplinary Proceedings being instituted
  • Disqualification under Section 99 of the Legal Services Act (2007)
  • Proceedings under Section 43 of the Solicitors Act (1974)

(Where a person who is or was [employed or remunerated by a solicitor in connection with his practice] but is not themselves a solicitor)



Please use the Notification Form below to declare any adverse information or events.


Useful Links

For Cautions and Convictions, please use the tool to check if it is spent: 

Notification Form