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Visual Composer #11204

5 April, 2023

GuidanceRegulatory Arrangements Guidance -Universal OverviewAccounts GuidanceAnti-Money Laundering GuidanceComplaints GuidanceConflicts of Interest GuidanceDealing with Non-Authorised Persons GuidanceEquality GuidanceEstimates and Terms of Engagement GuidanceManagement and Supervision Arrangements GuidanceNotification GuidanceProfessional Indemnity Insurance GuidanceTransaction Files GuidanceUndertakings GuidanceRegulatory Arrangements Guidance –Specific OverviewActing as insurance Intermediaries GuidanceActing for Lenders and Prevention and Detection of Mortgage Fraud GuidanceGuidanceThis non-mandatory many of our [Read more]

Anti Money Laundering Toolkit

16 August, 2020

CLC Anti-Money Laundering CodeCLC Anti-Money Laundering GuidanceAdvice Legal Sector 5MLD Guidance Legal sector AML Guidance (updated March 2023) Addendum to the LSAG guidance 2.1 November 2023 Source of Funds and Source of Wealth: Compliance Note June 2024 Transfer of Funds from China (issued 8 March 2023) Legal sector COVID-19 Guidance CLC ID & V Guidance [Read more]

July 2018 Managers Newsletter

26 July, 2018

Thank you to the many of you who attended one of our compliance roadshows. We have had very positive feedback and those of you who were at one of the events let us know you find them of value. We had useful discussions on a range of key issues and material in this newsletter follows [Read more]

Anti-money laundering red flags

13 July, 2018

The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 (MLR 2017) came into force on 26 June 2017, replacing the Money Laundering Regulations 2007. Our guidance on the changes can be found here. The CLC supervises those it regulates for compliance with money laundering legislation. To comply with your [Read more]

Fraud in conveyancing transactions

6 July, 2018

The Court of Appeal judgment in the P&P and Dreamvar cases raised concerns about fraud in conveyancing transactions. This is a reminder of the things you may want to consider to help identify and prevent a fraudulent transaction from taking place: You should carry out appropriate client due diligence (CDD) and Know Your Client (KYC) [Read more]


21 December, 2017

Guidance Regulatory Arrangements Guidance -Universal OverviewAccounts GuidanceAnti-Money Laundering GuidanceComplaints GuidanceConflicts of Interest GuidanceDealing with Non-Authorised Persons GuidanceEquality GuidanceEstimates and Terms of Engagement GuidanceManagement and Supervision Arrangements GuidanceNotification GuidanceProfessional Indemnity Insurance GuidanceTransaction Files GuidanceUndertakings Guidance Regulatory Arrangements Guidance –Specific OverviewActing as insurance Intermediaries GuidanceActing for Lenders and Prevention and Detection of Mortgage Fraud GuidanceConflict of interest [Read more]

Changes to CLC handook

5 January, 2015

Overview In December 2014, the CLC made 3 Exemption Direction applications to the Legal Services Board, related to a range of technical and minor drafting alterations to the CLC Handbook and associated documents: CLC Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorist Financing Code additions – safeguards duplicated from Mortgage Fraud Code Changes to timeframes of First Tier Tribunal [Read more]