Diversity and Inclusion

Profiling the CLC Regulated Community 

In February we will be carrying out a full diversity survey of the CLC regulated community. We need managers in CLC firms to support our efforts to gain a comprehensive picture of the profession and of the overall profile of all CLC firms.

The last full diversity surveys of the CLC regulated community, including non-lawyers working in the CLC-regulated firms, were carried out in 2013 and 2016.

This new survey will show us how the picture has changed and will help us target our conversations with and support for the regulated community to build diverse and truly inclusive workplaces together, secure the best talent and gain a competitive advantage.


Complying with the Equality Act 2010

All CLC -regulated entities must comply with the Equality Act as employers and service providers, as must the CLC itself. There’s a lot of very helpful of guidance from the Equality and Human Rights Commission on complying with the Equality Act 2010:



Recruiting and retaining the best talent

All businesses are competing for the people who are most able to help them develop and thrive. There is considerable evidence that a diverse workforce and diverse leadership teams build more successful organisations.

Offering quality experience of work, adopting new approaches to recruitment and breaking down barriers to entering work for people from disadvantaged groups can benefit business by tackling skills shortages, building new talent pipelines, boosting retention rates and achieving higher productivity.

The CLC’s research shows that black and minority ethnic groups aren’t present in the CLC-regulated workforce in the proportion that we’d expect given the make-up of the England and Wales population.  Business in the Community’s (BITC) website has many resources available for non-members who want to look at how they can develop inclusive recruitment processes. https://race.bitc.org.uk/

We’ve also found that, through women make up nearly three-quarters of all workers in CLC-regulated firms, only around half of women are managers. Men are twice as likely to progress to a manger role. Again, BITC have useful resources. https://gender.bitc.org.uk/

By 2020 almost half of the workforce will be over 50. Could you be overlooking what older workers have to offer? https://age.bitc.org.uk/ and https://www.ageing-better.org.uk/our-work/fulfilling-work

Inclusive Employers  also has a great deal of practical guidance and materials.


Helping employees be themselves at work

People perform best when they can be themselves at work. But Deloitte found that 61% of people hide some aspect of themselves in the workplace. Visibility of role models and an inclusive environment can give your employees the confidence to bring their full selves to work – and your business will benefit.

The InterLaw Diversity Forum runs events and develops publication on race, gender, disability and LGBT inclusion.

The Association of Women Lawyers offers associate membership for non-solicitors working in the legal sector as does the Association of Asian Women Lawyers.

The Society of Black Lawyers, the Black Solicitors Network  and the Society of Asian Lawyers provide support for BAME lawyers.


Other resources for employers

LawCare promotes and supports good mental health and wellbeing in the legal community.

To help build an inclusive environment, why not promote events such as Black History Month, LGBT History Month,  or Holocaust Memorial Day to colleagues?

Inclusive Employers has a Diversity Calendar  that lists key events as well as some of their own activities.